5.0-21329 6dias, 11horasatrás CachedInterpreter: Skip Updating Instruction PERFMON When There Are None (PR #12699 de mitaclaw)
5.0-21327 6dias, 12horasatrás MenuBar: Optimize SearchInstruction (PR #12700 de mitaclaw)
5.0-21325 1semanas, 1diaatrás Jit64: Preserve inputs when software_fma && m_accurate_nans (PR #11141 de JosJuice)
5.0-21323 1semanas, 1diaatrás PPCCache: Avoid Global System Accessor (PR #12646 de mitaclaw)
5.0-21321 1semanas, 1diaatrás IOS::HLE::BluetoothEmuDevice: Remove calls to GetPointer (PR #12690 de JosJuice)
5.0-21319 1semanas, 2diasatrás Core::GetState: Avoid Global System Accessor (PR #12669 de mitaclaw)
5.0-21317 1semanas, 3diasatrás evdev: close file descriptors in a separate thread (PR #12335 de Tilka)
5.0-21315 1semanas, 4diasatrás Movie: simplify silly loop (PR #12689 de Tilka)
5.0-21313 1semanas, 5diasatrás BBA/HLE: Don't assume connect is successful (PR #12555 de sepalani)
5.0-21311 1semanas, 6diasatrás Fix out of bounds accesses for invalid vertex component formats (PR #12684 de Pokechu22)
5.0-21309 1semanas, 6diasatrás HW: Remove calls to GetPointer (PR #12678 de JosJuice)
5.0-21307 1semanas, 6diasatrás Update rcheevos submodule to newest master. (PR #12683 de LillyJadeKatrin)
5.0-21305 1semanas, 6diasatrás Memmap: Don't show panic alert for 0 length range (PR #12685 de JosJuice)
5.0-21303 2semanas, 2diasatrás InputCommon: Remove some IOKit leftovers. (PR #12631 de jordan-woyak)
5.0-21301 2semanas, 2diasatrás CheatsManager: Allow making the window smaller (PR #12679 de Dentomologist)
5.0-21299 2semanas, 3diasatrás IOS: Remove calls to GetPointer (PR #12671 de JosJuice)
5.0-21297 2semanas, 3diasatrás DSPHLE: Implement 2024 libasnd uCodes (PR #12665 de Pokechu22)
5.0-21294 2semanas, 3diasatrás VideoCommon: Scan texture dumping directory + subdirectories to not re-dump existing files. (PR #12656 de jordan-woyak)
5.0-21292 2semanas, 3diasatrás DolphinQt: Tweak the aspect ratio setting description (PR #12609 de JosJuice)
5.0-21290 2semanas, 3diasatrás Add Bloom Definitions for Skylanders Giants and Trap Team (PR #12663 de SuperSamus)